SCOUT, Team to be proud of.

Nothing can be done without a good team, and sure we have one! More than 20 people participate  in SCOUT team, that you can enjoy the best paramotor on the market.

Scout Assembly Team

Your paramotor was assembled by Aron, Peter, Norbi, Andrej.

scout paramotor assemblôy team

Carbon Scout Team

The carbon parts were handmade with love by Jan, Vladimir, Jozef, Marek and Marek.

scout team_1

Proppeller Scout Team

Your propeller was designed and manufactured by Dušan, Tibi, Tomi and Laci.

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Frame Scout Team

Your frame was manufactured by Attila, Tomi and Tono.

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Design Scout Team

Your paramotor was designed by Miroslav with indispensable contribution of the whole team.

Harness Scout Team

Your harness was manufactured by Adrian and his team in Romania!

scout harness team


Zuzana and Erika took care of your order and kept all the guys above well organised.

scout financial department team

Marketing and Video

Before you fly your new SCOUT, please watch the videos made for you by Matej and Veronika.

If you have any question to anyone from SCOUT team, just let us know here

Scout team : Dealers

We are also proud on our worldwide net od SCOUT team dealers! If you are looking for a test flight or want some spare part, do not hesitate and find dealer near you.


If you found everything you needed, check our YOUTUBE


find out, if there is any dealer or fellow pilot near you, that can help you or help with a test flight HERE